At the Top of Your List...

Products you should put in the cart asap!

 Hey! It’s Cole. I’m trying out a new format for the newsletter! Love it? Hate it? Got feedback? I’d love to hear what you think. Drop a reply or hit the feedback form at the end!

This week in Trending Nutrition:

  • Grocery List Priorities

  • Bioengineered Food

  • Eclipse Meals?

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Grocery List Priorities

Need some grocery list inspo? Look no further!

1.) Teddie All Natural Peanut Butter

If you are a peanut butter fan (like me) Teddie’s is the way to go!

Why? Teddie offers delicious peanut butter without hormone-disrupting oils. With 16g of fat, 7g of carbs, and 8g of protein, this works well plain, rice cakes, and yogurt (or ice cream if you’re bulking).

2.) Nuun Hydration Tablets

Things are heating up FAST! Make sure you don’t attack the day dehydrated.

Nuun is a cleaner hydration powder option for people on the go! With zero sugar options and a great ingredient profile (and way more affordable than some competitors), this could be a great option for you.

3.) The United Sodas of America

A new healthy soda option has hit the scene. If you are looking for a healthier way to cool off and enjoy a sweet treat, grab some United Sodas of America. Crafted with simple, clean ingredients, this could be an awesome option for you.

Throw it in the cart and give it a try!

Read below for what’s trending this week!

This Week’s Fuel Partner

Jocko Fuel is on a mission to fuel progress - YOUR PROGRESS - with clean, superior fuel for the body and mind. The best raw ingredients. The highest standards. No excuses. No compromises. So, what do you want to achieve? Who do you want to become? Jocko Fuel is raising the bar on clean fuel so you can earn it every day -- the freedom to go do the things you want to do.

Today, you can save 10% by clicking the button below or use code COLE10 at checkout.

Trending #1- Bioengineered Food

A breaking curiosity in search engines this week is bioengineered food! Could today’s science discoveries be the best options for your nutrition?

What is it? According to USADA, bioengineered food is “Food that contains genetic material that has been modified through certain laboratory techniques and for which the modification could not be obtained through conventional breeding or found in nature.” Other labels you may see on these products are “GMO” or “Genetically Engineered”. Food that has been altered will have a clear label on the packaging.

Takeaway: While these foods are not always harmful, a better option would be to find clean, non-modified products. If you are paying attention to your use of bioengineered foods in your diet, look for foods without the “bioengineered” label. A good source for this would be the local farmer’s market!

Trending #2- Eclipse 2024 affecting food?

Hopefully, you were able to get a glimpse of eclipse this week! Preferably, not without glasses… like I did. Not a good idea.

Apparently, people in the path of the eclipse were VERY concerned about food and the eclipse with searches like “CAN WE EAT DURING THE ECLIPSE SCIENTIFIC REASONS”.

Yes, yes you can. And I hope you did. Some good food to fuel your goals.

That’s a Wrap!

Before you go: Here are 3 ways I can help you meet your nutrition goals.

Trending Nutrition Newsletter- Did you enjoy what you read here? Subscribe for more nutrition value in a weekly email!

Pine Instagram- Follow the Instagram account for consistent ways you can level up your nutrition game.

Pine Nutrition Coaching- Interested in 1-on-1 nutrition coaching? Shoot a DM on Instagram or reply to this email and say “COACH”.

P.S. I would LOVE your feedback! Click the feedback form below.

See ya next time!