It's the Slow... Drip

The quiet but powerful force.

One of the quietest noises that constantly gets drowned out in our world is the sound of dripping water. Overshadowed by the clanging of weights, dishes, road noise, screaming kids, or your latest Blacklist binge, the drip continues.

The moment of panic comes when everything quiets down and you begin to notice the small but distinct sound of leaking water. Hopefully, you catch it before disaster. But, sometimes, it’s too late. We often underestimate the impact of the small drip ( and sometimes it results in a house flood).

Today, I want to push you to turn the faucet on and let the water drip. 

No, I’m not telling you to flood your house or run up your water bill. The slow drip I am talking about is the small decision you will make today to help improve your health and fitness.

Here’s what that looks like. You swap the fries for the vegetable medley. Drip. You grab another glass of water instead of the Coke. Drip. You opt for the grilled chicken instead of the fried one. Drip. You walk around for 10 minutes instead of scrolling Reels. Drip.

Each small decision feels insignificant at the time, but compounds to greater and greater successes. Over time, the little drips may sound like this….

You have a structured diet plan. “DRIP ”.

You ran your first mile. “PLOP”.

You lost 10 pounds… “SPLASH”!

That small decision (drip) you made months ago has created a resounding splash in your life. Now, you are meeting your goals and experiencing the results of the healthy splash all over the place! You feel better, you look better, your emotions are more balanced, and YOU. ARE. KILLING. IT!

Here’s your challenge. Some would say “Be 1% better”. I would say, “Begin the steady drip”.

Who knows!? Over time, the state of your health may have turned from a drip to a steady-flowing river.

Keep it up. You’re doing great.
